Wednesday 31 August 2016


The quality of your life is getting better. 

There is more and more of that life in God that continually takes root in you.

The things that thought wound put u down yesterday all of a sudden tremble today. This happens because of the spirit the Lord has put in you.

The divine life of God has supplanted what had subdued u on a certain level and has super exceeded that level
The life of God can become so intense that everything that confronts you in the natural will know that its dealing with something supernatural.

There are experiences where men drink poison and it doesn't hurt them, ordinarily, if u went out an looked for the children if God who are not affected by food poisoning, they are so many.

A time comes when your life has Been under the operating of the holy spirit when everything about u gets supplanted by the life the Lord has placed in you.

Things in his world will start to respect you. Everything that God created, you are above them, Romans 8:10.

A time happens when the things that happen to you are strange, things could attack other people and immediately they will not harm you.

Whenever something is rising over you, is not the will of God.
1John 5, that u may know that u have internal life. When u have eternal life, every thing responds to your call, everything just respects you. John was thrown in hot oil, and he refused to die.

You are not being exposed to this information in vain, steadily, everything about you is changing. "Calling unto deep"

Colossians 1:15 -, God is not invisible, he is invisible when people are addressing the 5 senses. Jesus is the image of what God is, the manifestation if the spirit God.

Spirit is the invisible side of what is visible, Jesus is God made visible. In heaven, there will be the throne of God, not three thrones (Spirit, God and Jesus).

Everything visible is an image of what is spirit.
Acts 6:8 - 15 The men of God have been accused of being a cult as way back as Steven's time, these things are not new.
A transfiguration happens in 15, a divining quality takes over and supplants humanity.

A time comes when u might find yr self in a place that is intimidating and the quality of the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" takes place and all of a sudden, everything starts to be subject to you.

Some of these things of the spirit can totally supplant you and start to takeover the physical state of the person.

These guys who're in high places, there r places that u might not get to unless you engage the Spirit. 

A time has to come where we need to be very sensitive about the things if the Spirit.

1 Samuel 10:5 -6 ** Shall be turned into another man.  The Spirit that has been influencing the prophets will come upon you and you will prophesy....

Everything that the Spirit is doing in this place, he will do it in your life.

There is nothing that you will miss out on.
Vs 7 God is with thee...

Do as the occasion commands, it not about your on arguments, when u obey, miracles start to take place.

2 Kings 7:1-7 Tomorrow about this time, your debts will be canceled, there is favour for you, your debts will be canceled...

The Lord God knows what the illusionists do, he makes things that are not to be.  God is going to make you appear as a lion, great leader, great man of God and when in reality it doesn't add up.

Because He is Lord, he has done it before, He will do it against and again, u r surprising your credentials, life expectancy etc...